Information Related to Purchase of Wheat at Field Level for the Year 2024-25

 Purchase Centres
Total Center: 97
 Farmer Registration
Farmer Registered: 242
Verified Land: 229
Wheat Procured (in Qt.)
Wheat Procured 17006
  Scroll Details(in Rs)
Scroll Generated: 36360187.50
Scroll to be Generated: 2328462.50

  Beneficiary Farmer(in No)
Wheat Procured: 0
Scroll Issued: 204
Pending Scroll: 0
Wheat Issued to Depot(in Qt.)
Wheat Issued: 12492
Wheat Received by Depot (in Qt.)
Wheat Received: 0
S.NoDistrictRegistered Farmer (No)Land Verified(No)
1 Dehradun 2 2
2 Nainital 7 2
3 Udham Singh Nagar 28 33
4 Haridwar 205 192

Our Key Projects

RCMS Uttarakhand

This Project is used to digitized the existing Ration card. and allow to enter new ration card and mange the old ration cards.!


This Project evalutes the online allocation quantity of digitized ration card and also maintain the supply chain management of food grains.

National Food Security dashboard

This website shows summary details of Ration card,Fair price shop and their allocation details in Dashboard.